Long Weekends

Hurray to long weekends! There are so many long weekends this year and I believe many Of us will leverage on these long weekends to catch a short getaway in nearby islands or cities. You know… Since many years ago, passengers were not allowed to bring liquid or containers that is 100ml and above in your hand carry bags. If you are like me, who prefers to hand carry my bags up the plane rather than check-in my baggages for convenience sake, you will be faced with the problem of bringing your large sized perfumes to your holiday destination. I remember was once I was going to Bali and I carried my Bvlgari Notte Pour Homme in my hand luggage, only to see it feed the rubbish bin before I board the plane. I was so frustrated, disappointed and felt so sorry for my beloved Bvlgari. You feel so too right? And that was not a good start to my holidays. But well, I looked on the bright side and decided to look for solutions instead of whining. I went on several holidays after that and experimented many different sizes of perfumes. In my list, there are 3ml vials, 5ml atomisers, 10ml miniatures, 30ml and 75ml perfumes, which I can hand carry onboard. In my opinion, vials are limited in variety and many a times, I cannot bring my desired scents along, so that is a bad choice. Miniatures do not come with sprays and are almost same size as atomisers, so this is out too. Atomisers are compact, and allows me to bring a few different perfumes for different occasions like shopping, meetings, etc. It is also portable as I just have to drop it in my bag and I can use it if I am to be out the whole day. A good choice for light travelers. For heavy users, atomisers may not be the solution unless you bring a few of them. However, a smarter and sleeker choice is to bring a 30ml bottle, small enough to bring out, large enough for consumption. Last but not least, if you always leave your perfume in the hotel and do not need variety, then any size lesser than 100ml is a value buy, for its $ per ml is lowest. What we have come up for you this time is a group of perfumes of our favourite hot picks polled by our staff that they actually bring for travelling. They can be for different destinations like city shopping, sunny beaches, hiking getaway, business or winter wear. Have a great weekend!

Showing 1–20 of 35 results

Showing 1–20 of 35 results